Fleetwood girls coming off historic season

♠ Posted by channel-top-news in ,,,,,,, at 15:41

to Mars. >>> rob vaughn: Now Berks Sports.>> wendy davis: Here's Dan Moscaritolo. 14-0 and a District 3 championship at the quad-A level. Not bad for a team that lost its entire starting offense and only returned four defensive starters.Wilson has once again proved the strength and depth of its program this year. Next up, unbeaten Pine- Richland on Saturday with a berth in the state finals at stake.>>>>>> That's a 1:00 kick in Altoona tomorrow. Best of luck to Wilson and Wyomissing. With two Berks football teams still playing, it's easy to forget that high school hoops tips off tonight. The Fleetwood girls are coming off the best season in program history...the Tigers...looking to take a positive first step tonight in the opener of their own tournament against Manheim Central.Fleetwood won 24 games last season, making appearances in the county final, District semis and the second round of states. Fleetwood lost some of that talent from last year, but they have enough weapons back that will keep the Tigers in the championship hunt.>>>>>> Definitely a team to watch this year.Some baseball movement today...Derek Jeter is no longer the shortstop of the Yankees. How about Did Gregorious? Not exactly a household name yet, but he has been traded from the Diamondbacks to New York in a three-team trade.The Yanks sent reliever Shane Greene to the Detroit, while the Snakes got left handed pitcher Robbie Ray and a minor leaguer. Gregorious, a solid defender. Question will be weather he can hit consistently enough. Guys, former Phillie, current Washington National Jayson Werth...sentenced to jail time today...10 days for reckless driving charges....likely

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