BERKS HS PREVIEWS: Wilson WL girls, Muhlenberg boys

♠ Posted by channel-top-news in ,,,,,,, at 18:26

to help lead the way for the Bulldogs. The team may be inexperienced, but it has been exposed to championship-level basketball...and what it takes to get there.Having that mental edge can be huge for a young squad.>>>>>> On the boys side, Muhlenberg looks for more success this year after struggling the last two seasons.The Muhls have come in with a defensive focus...and the seniors are determined to go out a winner.Coach Jon Treese has preached a blue-collar mentality...and his team has embraced it.>>>>>> To football...the Eagles went to Dallas on Thanksgiving and feasted en route to a 23-point win. The Cowboys forgot to bring their silverware...but that's not expected

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