Boyertown Area School District Board of Directors elects new president

♠ Posted by channel-top-news in ,,,,,,, at 20:06

The Boyertown Area School District Board of Directors (BASD) Tuesday elected Stephen Elsier and Jill Dennin as new president and vice president for the next year.

During a reorganization meeting, current vice president Stephen Elsier was elected by a vote of 5-3, over fellow nominee John Landino.

The board also nominated Christine Neiman and Jill Dennin for the vice presidential position.

Board member, Paul Stengle, spoke in favor of Neiman, stressing that it would be beneficial for the board's leadership to have a Berks County representative to mirror the Montgomery County representation that new President Elsier would provide.

The BASD covers areas in both Berks and Montgomery counties.

The board eventually voted 5-3 to elect Jill Dennin as Vice President.

Newly elected president Elsier announced that appointment of new committee members will be deferred to a future meeting.

Outgoing board president, Donna Usavage, thanked her fellow board members for the experience she's had serving and commented that she was happy to have heard comments of reverence from the community, acknowledging the board's ability to work together.

Board member John Landino in turn acknowledged Usavage and thanked her for her service to the district. District Superintendent, Richard Faidley, added that together with the board, "We've tackled many difficult issues over the past year."

There were no public comments at the meeting. On adjournment, the board exited into an executive session to discuss details of the high school renovation contract and possible litigation.

The BASD Board of School Directors will meet again on December 9th.

from 69News:Home

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